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February 4, 2009
Indoor air quality scheme to be reviewed

Secretary for the Environment Edward Yau says the Government has commissioned a consultancy study to review the city's Indoor Air Quality Management Programme.


The study, to be completed in the first half of the year, will also examine the feasibility of mandatory indoor air quality control in offices and indoor public places.


Mr Yau today told lawmakers 332 premises have received indoor air quality certificates and reports under the Indoor Air Quality Certification Scheme. Sixty-eight of the certificates cover entire buildings and the rest cover offices or public places like shopping malls. There are 10 other applications being processed.


Eight organisations have been accredited as indoor air quality certificate-issuing bodies, Mr Yau said, adding the current number can cope with demand.


"It is also expected that the number of certificate-issuing bodies will grow in line with the demand for the certification service. The Hong Kong Accreditation Service is now processing a certificate-issuing body application and four other organisations have expressed interest in becoming certificate-issuing bodies."

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