Privacy protection: Chief Executive Donald Tsang says the Government will launch talks on ways to regulate covert surveillance. |
Chief Executive Donald Tsang says the Government will launch discussions on ways to regulate covert surveillance, adding talks will focus on recommendations the Law Reform Commission made in March.
Responding to the public outcry over the recent publication of a photo of a canto-pop star changing backstage during a concert in Malaysia, Mr Tsang condemned the privacy intrusion. He said he would discuss the issue with his colleagues and study ways to prevent similar incidents.
The Chief Executive said there were objections from the press when the Law Reform Commission unveiled its recommendations on how to regulate covert surveillance in March.
In view of public concerns on the issue, the Government will launch public talks on the commission's proposal.
Noting the Government must strike a balance between press freedom and privacy protection, Mr Tsang hoped the public and concerned industries could reach a consensus.
Meanwhile, the Obscene Articles Tribunal has classified the concerned as 'indecent' photos.
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