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Traditional ChineseSimplified ChineseText onlyPDA
April 30, 2005

Q1 crime down 6.6%


Hong Kong remains one of the safest cities in the world, with the overall crime rate for this year's first quarter falling 6.6% over the same period last year, and the number of juvenile and young offenders down 11% and 21%.


Secretary for Security Ambrose Lee said today falls were seen in burglary cases and serious narcotics offences. However, there was a 2.8% surge in violent crime, mainly due to increases in criminal intimidation cases.


Mr Lee said most of the intimidation offences related to disputes between individuals, adding that less than 10% were triad-related.


He said the increase in drug seizures was mainly because of bolstered enforcement. He added the Government is concerned about the surge in psychotropic drug users and that while enforcement and education will be strengthened, policies to aid and rehabilitate young abusers will be formulated in the coming months.

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