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April 16, 2005
Fight crime
35 netted in NT North anti-triad raids
Hong Kong Police

Police have arrested 35 people, including three high-ranking members of a triad society, in an operation in the New Territories North region.


Police Organised Crime & Triad Bureau officers mounted an undercover operation against a triad society active in that region two years ago.


On April 14, officers from OCTB, the Narcotics Bureau and Customs & Excise Department arrested 33 men and two women, aged 17 to 61, in the region.


Long list of offences

The list of offences included claiming to be a member of a triad society, acting as a member of a triad society, being a member of a triad society, illegal bookmaking, managing vice establishments, trafficking in dangerous drugs, criminal intimidation, possession of offensive weapons, producing pirated VCDs, and selling obscene VCDs, contraband cigarettes and marked oil.


Of the 35 arrests, 16 have been charged and will appear at Fanling Magistrates' Courts next Monday.


The remaining 19 people were released on bail at $5,000 and will report back to Police on May 13.


Police also seized a small quantity of dangerous drugs, 2,000 litres of marked oil, and 3,000 pirated VCDs.

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