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April 22, 2005
Crime watch
Mainland visitor jailed for driving taxi
Immigration Department

A Mainland visitor has been sentenced to three months' jail by the Sha Tin Magistracy for offering taxi services in Hong Kong, breaching his condition of stay.


The case first came to light when Liu Guohua, 42, was found to be the driver of a taxi that was involved in a traffic accident in Kwun Tong on March 30. Records showed that he entered Hong Kong as a visitor a day before the accident.


Immigration officers started an investigation. On April 1, the man drove a taxi and took investigators - who were posing as passengers - to a destination. When they reached the destination, the taxi meter indicated the fee was $29. The officers revealed their identities and arrested the defendant.


The Immigration Department will spare no effort to combat immigration offenders who take up illegal employment in Hong Kong. Visitors should not establish or join in any business, take up employment, whether paid or unpaid, without the prior permission of the Director of Immigration.


Offenders are liable to prosecution and, upon conviction, to a maximum fine of $50,000 and two years' jail.


All immigration offenders will be prosecuted and after a guilty verdict, they will be repatriated to their place of domicile. Their future applications for a visit to Hong Kong will be closely scrutinised.

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