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April 22, 2005
Crime watch
Mong Kok obscene disc centre closed
Hong Kong Police

Police have closed an obscene optical disc storage and packaging centre in Mong Kok, arresting two men and seizing more than 31,000 obscene optical discs worth about $670,000.


Today's raid was a follow-up to an April 21 operation in which 10 men were arrested and more than 42,000 obscene optical discs worth about $1 million seized in a commercial centre on Fa Yuen Street.


These efforts have severely disrupted the flow of illegal funds to triad groups for financing drug trafficking, loansharking and prostitution.


Today, Police officers raided a business building unit on Kwong Wa Street. A large amount of packaging materials and more than 21,000 obscene video compact discs and 10,000 obscene digital video discs were found. They also discovered three melon knives, three metal pipes and 10 wooden fighting cudgels.


Two men, aged 23 and 31, were arrested for possession of obscene articles for the purpose of publication, and possession of offensive weapons.


Police believe the pair were responsible for the distribution of a significant amount of pornography to retail outlets in Mong Kok.

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