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March 27, 2008


Hospital-ward occupancy rate declines
Hospital Authority

The medical ward occupancy rate has fallen from 113% four weeks ago to 99% on average across the Hospital Authority's 15 major hospitals, authority Chief Executive Shane Solomon says.


Speaking to the media after the authority's board meeting today, Mr Solomon said while the ward admission figure has also fallen in the period - from 831 people per day to 714 - it remains at a high level, and hospitals are still under pressure.


He described as good news the paediatric wards' occupancy rate's return to normal: It stood at 66% yesterday, from an earlier peak of 99%. Mr Solomon said hospitals are now in a good position to handle cases should there be an increase when classes resume on Monday.


He added in the past seven days there were no flu-related admissions to paediatric wards, noting some children who were admitted to hospitals and suspected to have come down with flu tested negative for it.


Contingency measures

Mr Solomon said the authority will limit elective surgeries in the coming two weeks and will remove some blockages in the medical system to speed up response. To illustrate, he said the vacant observation ward in the Prince of Wales Hospital has been opened and the X-ray department's capacity in the United Christian Hospital was expanded.


To enlist more back-up staff, the authority has been gauging medical workers' interest in working extra shifts and overtime - with cash compensation. Mr Solomon said 220 staff members at Prince of Wales Hospital have accepted the offer, adding more part-time outside doctors are also welcome.


He said the authority will seek an external body to conduct a patient-satisfaction survey in the fourth quarter.


Authority Chairman Anthony Wu said, with the Government's $29.7 billion in recurrent funding, he hoped the authority can achieve a balanced budget in 2008-09.

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