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March 5, 2008


Organ donation register to launch this year

The Centralised Organ Donation Register will be launched in the second quarter of this year, Secretary for Food & Health York Chow says.


He told legislators today the register's system development was completed in January.


The Medical Association is seeking consent from 40,000 registered donors for their data to be transferred to the register. The Department of Health is assessing the privacy implications before it comes into operation.


Dr Chow said the register will facilitate the public's registration and the bureau plans to step up promotional efforts for organ donation along with the launch.


Last year, transplant co-ordinators followed up on 224 cases, with 114 confirmed to be unsuitable for organ donation. Fifty were suitable but family members refused the donation.


There were 60 cases of successful organ donation last year. Ten of these donors expressed clearly their wish to donate and consent was successfully obtained from their family members.

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