The Hospital Authority is reviewing the policy of the Drug Formulary and seeking public views on the issue.
The authority's Professional Services & Operations Director Dr Cheung Wai-lun said the review aims to improve the mechanism to meet patient needs.
The authority will study the following three areas:
* mode of supply of self-financed drug items;
* mechanism of the safety net; and
* mechanism of introducing new drug items.
Mr Cheung said the authority will take an open-minded approach in the review exercise and take into consideration the suggestions put forward by patient groups, professional bodies and community organisations. Review results will be collated in June.
The authority implemented the formulary in phases from July, 2005 and it was fully implemented in all public hospitals at the end of October.
The formulary aimed to standardise drug policy and use in public hospitals and clinics and ensure equity and fairness in patients' access to cost-effective drugs of proven efficacy and safety.
Written suggestions can be submitted by email to, or by fax on 2881 5848.
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