About $6.3 billion will be spent over five years to launch a scheme to improve maintenance services in public housing estates.
The Housing Authority said the scheme will be implemented January 1 after consultation with Estate Management Advisory Committee members.
The scheme has a three-pronged approach - identifying maintenance problems; prompt response to emergencies and tenants' requests for repairs; and, enhanced promotional and educational programmes.
Inspection ambassadors
Inspection ambassadors will be appointed to provide a one-stop service for flat checks and repairs and to educate tenants on care and maintenance.
A task force of experts will handle major issues like cantilevered structures and building services which require prompt and comprehensive action.
Multi-disciplinary teams with professional support will be formed to review the improvement needs of older estates, and a flat-to-flat maintenance database will be set up.
Maintenance hotline
To ensure prompt response to emergencies and tenants' requests, a maintenance hotline will be set up to provide a one-stop service for tenants. Customer Service Co-ordinators at senior professional grade will also be appointed to handle the issue from the tenants' prospective.
The authority will also enhance the management and monitoring of property service agents and maintenance contractors.
Meanwhile, a plan will be formed to promote the scheme and customer services seminars will be arranged for professional and technical staff.
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