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October 17, 2005
Aid fund opens
Sharing & Briefing Session on Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged
Strong support: About 400 guests join Director of Social Welfare Paul Tang at the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged briefing.

Qualified non-government organisations can apply for funding in the second round of applications for the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged by December 30.


Director of Social Welfare Paul Tang called on the business community and welfare sector to join the Government to help the disadvantaged.


Mr Tang said the $200 million fund encourages the welfare sector to expand its network in seeking and securing corporate participation, and encourage the business sector to work to create a cohesive and caring society.


Tripartite partnership

The fund has allocated $190 million for NGOs in the welfare sector to apply to launch projects to help the disadvantaged. Grants will be calculated in accordance with the contributions from business corporations, in cash or in kind, on a dollar-for-dollar basis. About $10 million will be used to implement various support measures to build and sustain the tripartite partnership.


Bona-fide NGOs with tax-exempt status under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance can apply.



The first round of applications in March were well-received by the business and welfare sectors. In August, the Advisory Committee of the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged completed the vetting of 43 applications.


More than $9 million in matching funding has been allocated to 29 NGOs with 84 business partners operating different welfare initiatives that serve a wide range of target groups, including low-income families, domestic violence victims, ex-prisoners, the elderly and the disabled. Also, $11 million in cash and in kind has been contributed by their business partners, many of whom also offer volunteer service to the disadvantaged.


Priorities will be given to projects that:

* support one or more of the Government's welfare policies in building individual capacity, strengthening families and enhancing community mutual support and that provide direct benefits to underprivileged groups;

* have a plan on how to sustain partnerships with the business corporations in serving the underprivileged groups after exhaustion of the grant from the fund; and,

* maximise the benefits for the disadvantaged groups.


Funds monitored

The advisory committee, set up in early February to examine funding applications and all matters relating to the fund's operation, is chaired by the Director of Social Welfare and comprises 10 non-official members from the welfare, business and academic sectors. Guidelines have been formed to monitor the use of funds by successful applicants.


To download application forms click here. Completed forms, including one soft and two hard copies, with all supporting documents should be sent to the fund's Secretariat at Room 3012, 30/F, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai by December 30. For enquiries call 2116 4294.

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