Swine scrutiny: An Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department officer inspects a Yuen Long pig farm. |
The Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department has enhanced inspections to prevent any Streptococcus suis outbreaks in local pig farms.
It has already inspected 266 farms and checked the health of the pigs, and has found no unusual deaths. It has bolstered enforcement of licence conditions to ensure carcasses and waste are handled properly.
A new condition has been added to the Public Health (Animals & Birds) (Licensing of Livestock Keeping) Regulation requiring farmers disinfect and wrap dead pigs before disposal at animal carcass collection points. Failure to comply will lead to licence revocation.
The Government 1823 hotline has been updated so public enquiries on live pigs will be referred to the department for prompt action.
The department has issued letters asking farmers to observe personal hygiene, cover any wounds and see a doctor if they feel unwell. Information leaflets on Streptococcus suis are being distributed.
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