Kids aged eight to 13 who are able to swim at least 50 metres are invited to join the Junior Water Sports Training Scheme 2005 organised by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department.
Courses held in August will include junior kayaking, junior windsurfing and junior sailing at different levels.
Participants will not only enjoy the fun of water sports activities during summer in a safe environment, but also form the habit of doing exercises for their health.
Professional instructors will coach the courses. Applications will start tomorrow and continue until June 23.
The application forms are available at all water sports centres and the department's District Leisure Services Offices.
Completed application forms should be submitted in person, by mail or fax to the respective water sports centres, or via the department's website.
Places will be allocated by balloting.
Enquiries can be made at Chong Hing Water Sports Centre on 2792 6810, Tai Mei Tuk Water Sports Centre on 2665 3591; Jockey Club Wong Shek Water Sports Centre on 2328 2311; or St Stephen's Beach Water Sports Centre on 2813 5407.
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