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January 7, 2005


Organic certification scheme launched


A certification scheme and online database of organic farming have been launched to promote organic produce and boost consumer confidence in it.


Director of Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Thomas Chan said the launch marked an important milestone in the development of organic farming. The certification policy and labelling system will motivate organic farmers to expand their businesses.


The $3.9-million certification scheme, set up by the Organic Resource Centre, was funded by the Vegetable Marketing Organisation.

Thomas Chan   Organic produce certification   Organic produce
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Good eating: Director of Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Thomas Chan says certification will promote organic produce and consumer confidence in it.

20 farms to apply

Under the certification system, local farms and processing facilities that meet the organic production standards set by the centre will be accredited, strengthening confidence in organic brands. More than 20 farms are expected to file applications this month.


Mr Chan, who is also head of the Vegetable Marketing Organisation, said organic produce cannot be determined simply by looks or chemical elements.


"We need a comprehensive and authoritative accreditation system by an independent body that can ensure the organic production process and conditions required have been strictly followed," he said.


The centre has taken two years to develop the certification system. A non-profit-making organisation, it was founded in December 2002 by the Baptist University, the Organic Farming Association and the Produce Green Foundation under an agricultural development fund of $3.9 million allocated by the Vegetable Marketing Organisation over a three-year period.


Technical help offered

Mr Chan said the department introduced the organic farming conversion scheme in late 2000 to provide participating farms with technical assistance. Participants are allowed to market their produce through the Vegetable Marketing Organisation.


So far 40 farms with a total farming area of 18 hectares have joined the conversion scheme. Organic produce per day during autumn and winter can reach 3.5 tonnes.


At present, there are more than 50 retailing outlets for organic produce under the Vegetable Marketing Organisation network, including supermarkets, wet market stalls, MTR shops, health food shops, and the Lions Nature Education Centre in Sai Kung.

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