Mental Health Month 2004 started today with the launch of the Caring School programme aimed at enhancing the mental health awareness of students, their family and teachers. The theme of this year's Mental Health Month is Think Positive, Live Positive.
Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Carrie Yau said the programme��s objective is to encourage participating primary schools to promote the culture of caring for mental health.
"The programme is aimed at inculcating teenagers to adopt a positive attitude in facing up to pressure," she said.
About 100 schools signed a charter to affirm their support for the programme at today's launch ceremony. They will organise activities like visits to rehabilitation centres, seminars, interactive activities or school-based activities to promote mental health.
Mental Health Month is an annual public education campaign organised by the Health, Welfare & Food Bureau, various Government departments and non-governmental organisations.
Over the next three months, about 100 activities including seminars, workshops, exhibitions and recreational events will be held to boost mental health awareness.
For more details visit the bureau's website.
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