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December 19, 2003
Drug abusers down 16%

The number of drug abusers reported in the year's first three quarters fell 15.7% to 12,753, compared with 15,120 in the same period last year.


The number of reported drug abusers under 21 also fell in the first nine months, to 1,597 from 2,476 - a drop of 35.5%.


Compared with the corresponding period last year, the overall number of newly reported drug abusers fell 22.4%, from 4,036 in the first three quarters of 2002 to 3,132 in the same period this year.


Ketamine abuse drops significantly

The Central Registry of Drug Abuse said the most commonly abused drugs in all age groups were heroin (77.1%), ketamine (11.4%), triazolam/midazolam (10.4%) and cannabis (6.9%), while those commonly abused by people under 21 were ketamine (59.7%), ecstasy (32.9%) and cannabis (29.2%).


A fall was also seen in the overall number of abusers of most drug types, including a decrease in the number of psychotropic substance abusers, from 4,428 in the first three quarters of 2002 to 3,832 in the same period this year - a drop of 13.5%.


The number of reported ketamine abusers fell 40.9%, from 2,193 to 1,297. The reported number of heroin abusers also dropped 14.5% from 10,210 to 8,733.


Gov't continues fight against drugs

Commissioner for Narcotics Rosanna Ure emphasised that the Government will not be complacent and will continue to spare no effort in the fight against drugs.


"Taking into consideration that young people may be exposed to the risks of substance abuse during the Christmas and New Year festive season, Narcotics Division has enhanced anti-drug publicity and public education to remind the public and young people in particular of the importance of staying away from substance abuse and developing a healthy lifestyle," Mrs Ure said.


Three-year plan to review existing services

At today's Action Committee Against Narcotics meeting, members were briefed on proposals for implementing the Third Three-year Plan on Drug Treatment & Rehabilitation Services in HK 2003-2005.


It aims to review the existing provision of drug treatment and rehabilitation services and provide pointers for service providers to improve and enhance their programmes in light of the latest drug abuse situation.


Among the plan's recommendations are strengthening tailor-made treatment and rehabilitation services for psychotropic and poly-drug abusers to ensure appropriate and effective treatment intervention to meet their specific needs. Furthermore, it identifies ways of strengthening existing treatment and rehabilitation services for female drug abusers.


"We will soon form a working group to oversee and co-ordinate the implementation of the third three-year plan," Mrs Ure said.


For details of the three-year plan, visit the Narcotics Division website.

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