Green message: Assistant Director of Housing Bay Wong (right) joins the guests to deliver environmental messages to participants by playing the 225-square-foot giant board game. |
Efforts to promote environmental conservation and waste reduction in public rental housing estates over the past few years have successfully reduced the domestic refuse generated by public housing tenants, Assistant Director of Housing Bay Wong says.
Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 'Estate Green Fun Day 2005' today, Mr Wong said domestic refuse generated by a public housing tenant has been maintained at a daily average of 0.82kg for two consecutive years - 25% less than the daily average of 1.09kg created by a Hong Kong resident in 2003-04.
Reaffirming the department's commitment to reducing domestic waste in public hosuing estates, Mr Wong said no effort has been spared to foster good habits of recycling domestic waste among tenants.
"The department has also been working closely with local green groups to promote environmental initiatives and to spread green messages in estates," he said.
The "Estate Green Fun Day", the first event of this kind organised by the Housing Department to promote green initiatives in public rental housing estates, featured interactive workshops, game booths, exhibitions and performances.
A 225-square-foot giant board game, specially designed to deliver environmental tips to participants, was the centre of attention.
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