The value of total receipts for the restaurants sector surged to $20.1 billion in the third quarter, up 14% on the same period last year, the Census & Statistics Department says. The value of total purchases by restaurants also grew 18.1% to $7.1 billion.
After discounting the effect of price changes, total restaurant receipts rose 7.3% in volume.
Total receipts of Chinese restaurants surged 14.8% in value or 7.4% in volume, while total receipts of non-Chinese restaurants grew 14.5% in value or 8.9% in volume. Total receipts of bars increased 12.7% in value or 7.3% in volume.
Total receipts of fast food shops soared 11.9% in value or 5.1% in volume. For other eating and drinking places, total receipts increased 8.3% in value or 3.2% in volume.
On a seasonally adjusted quarter-to-quarter comparison, the volume of total restaurant receipts in the third quarter rose 0.9% on the second quarter.
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