The Central People's Government will continue its staunch support of the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Chief Executive, President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao say.
The State Council endorsed Mr Tsang's appointment as the third-term Chief Executive on April 2. According to the appointment, Mr Tsang's next five-year term will start on July 1.
New task: Chief Executive Donald Tsang receives the instrument of appointment from Premier Wen Jiabao, before the two have a brief meeting. In the afternoon, President Hu Jintao meets Mr Tsang at Zhongnanhai. | |
Officially appointed
Presenting the instrument of appointment to Donald Tsang as the third-term Chief Executive in Beijing today, Premier Wen said measures will be taken to boost exchanges and co-operation between Hong Kong and the Mainland to leverage each other's strengths. The Central People's Government will also promote projects which are conducive to Hong Kong-Mainland ties and the city's development, he added.
Premier Wen called on all sectors of the Hong Kong community to join hands and work towards a better Hong Kong, adding Mr Tsang is able to bring people together to improve their livelihood, build a harmonious society and promote democracy.
Public support
In a meeting with Mr Tsang in the afternoon, President Hu said Mr Tsang was nominated and elected with a high degree of public support, showing Hong Kong people's endorsement of Mr Tsang's work and his election platform.
Noting the coming five years will be a key stage in Hong Kong's development, President Hu said Mr Tsang and the Hong Kong SAR Government will play an important role.
He pointed out economic development, improving people's livelihood, promoting democracy progressively, safeguarding Hong Kong's prosperity, stability and social harmony are Hong Kong people's common wishes and different sectors' common interests.
Brighter future
President Hu believed Mr Tsang can lead the Hong Kong SAR Government and all sectors of the community to further the city's development, creating a brighter future for all. The Central People's Government will remain steadfast to the principles of 'One country, two systems', Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and a high degree of automony - and abide by the Basic Law.
Mr Tsang thanked the Central People's Government for the appointment, and pledged he would not fail the trust the Central Government and Hong Kong people have placed in him.
He urged Hong Kong people to overcome challenges ahead and make the city more prosperous, inclusive and harmonious.
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