Open minds: Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam and Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue field media queries on the public consultation document on the further development of the political-appointment system. |
The Government today issued a consultation paper to seek views from the community on how to develop the political-appointment system. It proposes creating positions to support Principal Officials, namely Deputy Directors of Bureau and Assistants to Directors of Bureau.
At a media briefing this afternoon, Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam noted there were only 14 Principal Officials - "and the existing layer is too thin".
"In other cabinets in other parts of the world, rarely do you see such a thin layer," Mr Lam stressed.
When they are away on leave or official visits, they have to ask other directors of bureaux to attend Legislative Council sessions and answer queries on their behalf, he said. New Deputy Directors of Bureau would be able to do this instead.
The proposal also aims to create more room for participation in political affairs.
"Creation of political positions at different levels of the Government will provide a new channel for public-spirited individuals to acquire practical knowledge of government operations and nurture their political skills.
"The proposal will present a more comprehensive career path, and provide a greater incentive, for individuals who want to serve Hong Kong by entering politics," he said.
"This will also complement the further development of Hong Kong's electoral system as those who aspire to serve the community will have opportunities to join the Government or stand in elections to the Legislative Council or District Councils.
"Politically appointed Principal Officials will also be provided with more support for carrying out the full range of political work to meet the demands of people-based governance. Additional political appointments will be conducive to maintaining the political neutrality of the civil service," Mr Lam added.
Civil service to remain backbone
Chief Executive Donald Tsang's inaugural Policy Address in October 2005 proposed to consult the public on arrangements to create within the Government a small number of positions dedicated to political affairs.
The political-appointment system implemented in July 2002 represented an important step forward in constitutional development, the Chief Executive believed. He acknowledged the new system of governance needed tweaking, though.
At the same time, Mr Tsang reaffirmed that the civil service remained the backbone of the Government and reiterated the importance of upholding the civil service's integrity and interests in taking things forward.
The proposal calls for a small number of additional political appointments. They will not be created at the expense of the civil service. Senior civil servants will continue to provide support to Principal Officials and there should be a clear division of role and responsibilities between the civil service and the political team.
Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue, who sat next to Mr Lam during the briefing, stressed the civil service was the cornerstone of the administration, a "standing and permanent team" that served the best interests of Hong Kong.
She added that the team of political appointees and the civil servants must have mutual trust and mutual cooperation, and that permanent secretaries would continue to report directly to the director of bureau.
People from different backgrounds needed
In reply to a reporter's query, Mr Lam said the new positions would be filled with people the CE appoints, and who support his ruling philosophy.
"All over the world political leaders must have the capacity to appoint people who are willing to support the ruling leader's manifesto, to serve the community in which they enter politics," he said.
"We need people from different background, academics, professionals, people from the business sector, civil servants. We are not trying to prepare for the formation of a ruling party; we're just making it possible for the future Chief Executive to bring in people to take part in politics."
He added that appointees would not have to relinquish memberships in political parties.
"We have an open mind," he said.
The new posts, and the extra staff they will require, will cost in total about $50 million to $60 million a year - "not too significant an amount", Mr Lam said.
"We have to make sure we spend every dollar and every cent wisely, and that's why we're having a longish period of public consultation, with months of thorough negotiations, then months of scrutiny."
The public consultation will end in four months, on November 30. It will take some time to analyse the views. Results would then be discussed in the Legislative Council - and the media, Mr Lam said.
Proposal details
Details of the proposed arrangements are highlighted below:
* In principle, each Director of Bureau should be assisted by one Deputy Director of Bureau and one Assistant to Director of Bureau. They are not civil servants and can enter the Government by direct appointments.
* Deputy Directors of Bureau are responsible principally for assisting Directors of Bureau in undertaking the full range of political work and deputising for Principal Officials during their temporary absence. They are subordinates of Directors of Bureau and work under the latter's direction.
* Assistants to Directors of Bureau report to the Directors through the Deputy Directors of Bureau. They are mainly to assist their Directors of Bureau and Deputy Directors of Bureau in carrying out routine political work.
* Deputy Directors of Bureaux' remuneration should be pitched within a range equal to 65% to 75% of the remuneration package approved by the Finance Committee in 2002 for a Director of Bureau. This is broadly equivalent to the remuneration of a D4 to D6 civil servant on agreement terms with all allowances encashed.
* Assistants to Directors of Bureaux' remuneration should be pitched within a range equal to 35% to 50% of the remuneration package approved by the Finance Committee in 2002 for a Director of Bureau. This is broadly equivalent to the remuneration of a senior professional to D2 civil servant on agreement terms with all allowances encashed.
* The Chief Executive will appoint and remove Deputy Directors of Bureau at the Directors of Bureaux' recommendation, while the Assistants to Directors of Bureau will be appointed and removed by the Directors of Bureau with the Chief Executive's consent.
* Potential candidates for the new positions will be drawn from within or outside the civil service, including individuals with political party, academic, professional, business, civil service and other backgrounds.
* Serving civil servants should retire or resign from the civil service before accepting such appointments.
* Like Principal Officials, Deputy Directors of Bureau are expected to shoulder political responsibility for the success or failure in policy formulation or implementation, or for grave misconduct. Their term of appointment will not exceed that of the Chief Executive who appoints them.
* The Code for Principal Officials under the Accountability System should, with any necessary modifications, apply to the performance and behaviour of Deputy Directors of Bureau and Assistants to Directors of Bureau.
* With the development of the political appointment system, we need to preserve the well-established system of appointment, promotion and discipline within the civil service.
Third-term CE to implement new system
After the consultation, the Government will analyse the views collected, with a view to announcing the decision on the way forward during the first half of 2007. The implementation would not likely take place before the third-term Chief Executive assumes office.
People are also welcome to forward their views to the Constitutional Affairs Bureau, 3/F Main Wing, Central Government Offices, Lower Albert Road, Hong Kong, by fax to 2521 8702, or via email to pa-consultation@cab.gov.hk on or before November 30.
The views and comments received may be published in their entirety for public information unless otherwise specified.
Copies of the consultation document are available for collection at the Public Enquiry Service Centres of the 18 District Offices. It can also be downloaded from the Constitutional Affairs Bureau website.
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