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May 20, 2004


SARS drill for Housing staff
sars drill

Staying alert: Housing staff conduct inspections with officers of the Health and Food & Environmental Hygiene Departments in a SARS drill.


The Housing Department has conducted a drill in Upper Ngau Tau Kok Estate to keep frontline staff alert and prepared in dealing with any possible resurgence of SARS.


Deputy Director of Housing Lau Kai-hung said the drill tested its response should a confirmed SARS case occur, adding that it activated the "Alert Level" of the three-tier Emergency Response System earlier this month.


In today's drill, a tenant in the estate was 'confirmed to have SARS', activating the highest level of emergency response.


A 40-member Special Cleansing Team comprising a medical officer from the Department of Health, inspectors from the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department and cleansing workers from a property services company were called to thoroughly disinfect the flat concerned.


Workers inspected the drainage system and vent pipes inside the flat and disinfected and cleaned other public facilities.


Mr Lau said the department will continue to deter hygiene-related misdeeds through the Marking Scheme under which a tenancy will be terminated when 16 points or more have been recorded within two years.


Since last August, about 2,000 public housing tenants have accrued points for misdeeds like spitting and littering, among them 31 were allotted with more than 10 points each.

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