The SARS alert level will stand down from May 28 as no confirmed or suspected SARS case on the Mainland has been reported since May 4, the Department of Health says.
The Hospital Authority will also lower its yellow alert on the same day, but will maintain infection control measures. For details, click here.
The SARS Alert Level and corresponding control measures were activated after confirmed SARS cases in Beijing and Anhui last month.
Human-to-human transmission broken
The World Health Organisation said on May 18 the chain of human-to-human transmission appeared to have been broken.
The department said the decision was made after careful assessment of the threat of SARS here and in neighbouring areas, and it is considered appropriate to adjust the existing SARS control measures to more accurately reflect the actual situation.
From May 28, special border control measures targeted at travellers to and from Beijing and Anhui will be discontinued. Doctors are no longer required to report pneumonia patients with travel history to Beijing and Anhui.
Measures at control points continue
Health screening measures at all immigration control points, including health declaration and body temperature checks for travellers will remain unchanged.
The department said close and proactive liaison with the Mainland, Macau and overseas public health authorities as well as the World Health Organisation will continue with the ultimate purpose of detecting, preventing and controlling communicable diseases.
The Government will also remain prepared and stay vigilant for the possible return of the disease.
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