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March 30, 2007


E-Mice Solutions to run e-Cert services

E-Mice Solutions (HK) Limited, will take up the operation of e-Cert services from Hongkong Post Certification Authority from April 1 for four years.


The company will be responsible for the full operating cost in providing the e-Cert services and is entitled to receive subscription and renewal fees from e-Cert subscribers. The fee levels will remain unchanged.


The Hongkong Post Certification Authority has issued about 1.55 million personal and organisational e-Certs, including 1.26 million free personal e-Certs embedded in Smart ID cards.


The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer said the free-use period for personal e-Certs embedded in Smart ID cards issued by Hongkong Post before April 1, 2007, will remain unchanged, that is, for three years after issue. No fee will be charged until the end of the e-Cert's validity period.


The level of e-Cert services provided to the public, including service outlets and service hours, will also remain unchanged, it added.


Smooth handover expected

Notwithstanding the contracting out of the service, the Government will remain the owner of the e-Cert scheme and data, and is responsible for monitoring the contractor's performance during the contract period.


It has conducted a third-party assessment to ensure a proper handover. After a smooth takeover of the e-Cert operation, E-Mice plans to offer value-added services to promote the portability and user-friendliness of e-Certs to enable businesses and individuals to conduct e-government and e-commerce transactions in a simple, secure and reliable manner.

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* Consultation Paper: Views sought on Digital 21 strategy *
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