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April 2, 2007
Historic sites can become cultural attractions
Rafael Hui
Participation encouraged: Creative proposals from the public may see the Central Police Station Compound transformed into a vibrant cultural attraction, Rafael Hui told an urban-planning conference.
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Proper conservation and creative re-use could transfer historical sites into heritage and cultural attractions, Chief Secretary Rafael Hui told an urban-planning conference today. Both local and overseas visitors could appreciate Hong Kong's history through such sites.


Speaking at the Hong Kong Institute of Planners & Urban Planning Society of China conference, "When Creative Industries Cross Over with Cities," Mr Hui cited a number of examples to demonstrate how creative industries can interconnect with the cityscape and the community.


"The Central Police Station Compound is a notable example," he said. The compound includes the historical Central Police Station, the Former Central Magistracy and Victoria Prison.


"Not only are these buildings impressive examples of classical colonial architecture, they have witnessed the history of Hong Kong and the development of our judicial system," Mr Hui said.


The government had received creative proposals from the public on its future use, and hoped the project would enrich the cultural, retail and dining attractions in the area, and enhance visitors' experience.


He also noted the Urban Renewal Authority's plan to renovate 10 pre-war Chinese tenement houses in Wan Chai for creative and cultural use, while preserving the buildings' unique architectural form.


Projects lead to urban regeneration

A nine-storey factory building in Shek Kip Mei would soon be turned into a home for artists and designers, he said.


"With these projects, we hope and expect that the character and landscape of the areas will evolve with the growth of these creative industries, leading to the evolution of supporting activities and ultimately, to urban regeneration," Mr Hui said.


He cited the conversion and restoration of the Old Dairy Farm Building as an example. Built in 1892, it was now used by the Fringe Club, a leading contemporary art centre.


Creative industries help shape city's image

Today's conference focused on the significant role that creative industries play, not only in arts and culture, but in helping shape the city's image, providing job opportunities and contributing to economic growth.


"Hong Kong has long been a blend of Oriental and Western cultures and this is what makes us such a unique, international city.


"We have an open and free society. We have the rule of law and rigorous protection of intellectual property rights. All these have provided a solid foundation for the development of creative industries in Hong Kong," Mr Hui said.

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