An eight-week consultation has been launched inviting industry views on the proposed guideline on interconnection between in-building coaxial distribution systems.
An in-building coaxial distribution system is a cable system for conveying telecommunications and broadcasting services and some amenities or security services for the building.
Interconnection necessary
The Office of the Telecommunications Authority said the interconnection is necessary to enable consumers to access a range of telecommunications and broadcasting services of their choice without undue restriction.
At present, both Satellite Master Antenna Television operators and Hong Kong Cable Television Limited are using the same horizontal drop cables connected to their own in-building coaxial distribution systems for the provision of satellite and cable TV services.
The interconnection between the two systems within the same building is necessary to enable Cable TV subscribers to enjoy concurrently pay television and satellite television services.
The interconnection is basically made through a commercial negotiation between the two parties. However, they may seek a determination by OFTA if they fail to reach any commercial agreement.
Guideline provides guidance to operators
The proposed guideline seeks to provide guidance to the concerned operators to resolve the technical arrangement for interconnection and set out the principles and matters OFTA would need to consider in making the determination on the terms and conditions of such interconnection.
Comments should reach the office on or before January 28. The consultation paper can be downloaded from the office's website.
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