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June 24, 2008
Babycare award nominations open
Department of Health

The Department of Health is inviting nominations for the Babycare Room Award to commend organisations for offering good babycare facilities.


Facilities nominated must be in Hong Kong. Individuals, enterprises, Government departments and public organisations can nominate entries for the award. Souvenirs will be awarded to nominators of the winning organisation with the highest votes.


Nomination forms are available at all public and private hospitals, the department's Maternal & Child Health Centres and Woman Health Centres, Leisure & Cultural Services Department facilities and the Link shopping centres.


Nomination forms must be put in collection boxes at public hospitals, Maternal & Child Health Centres and Woman Health Centres, or faxed to 2574 8977 by 5pm July 8. Click here for online nomination.


An award presentation ceremony will be held August 2 during WABA World Breastfeeding Week.

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