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February 13, 2008
Cold triggers hospital contingency measures
Hospital Authority

Contingency measures will be implemented to ease the surge in demand for hospital services caused by the recent cold spell, the longest in Hong Kong since 1968, the Hospital Authority says.


The measures include strengthening manpower in accident and emergency departments and medical wards, and better utilisation of observation and other wards. Support to elderly home residents suffering from minor ailments through outreach services will be bolstered.


Under the influence of the winter monsoon it has been persistently cold in Hong Kong during the past three weeks with minimum temperatures at Hong Kong Observatory below 12 degrees Celsius for 21 days consecutively.


The cold spell was caused by the rendezvous of cold air from Siberia and moist air from the South China Sea, as well as the La Nina effect due to cooler-than-normal sea surface temperatures over the central and eastern Pacific.


There have been higher admissions to public hospitals especially for chronic and elderly patients, with occupancy at most medical wards over 100%. The public should use public hospital services properly and first seek consultation with general practitioners for minor ailments.


Regarding bodies pending collection in public hospital mortuaries, the authority urged relatives to collect them for funeral arrangements as early as possible.

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