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May 19, 2007

Joseph Wong calls for rational discussion


Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology Joseph Wong has appealed to the public to discuss issues on obscene and indecent articles rationally, adding that the Television & Entertainment Licensing Authority handles all complaints impartially.


He said today that TELA has the responsibility to enforce the Control of Obscene & Indecent Articles Ordinance and will refer publications to the Obscene Articles Tribunal when appropriate.


Noting the tribunal is part of the judicial system, Mr Wong said it is an independent system and people who are not happy with the tribunal's decisions can follow up the matter, asking for a full hearing or file an appeal.


"The whole essence of the legislation is to determine what articles, pictures, publications, would be regarded as obscene or indecent to a reasonable person. And that is the criteria which we will use, which we have used and will continue to use in administering the law. No doubt, this is also a criteria and other provision in the law which the judicial system, in this case the tribunal, will form its opinion and will make a ruling," he said, adding the authority will not refer frivolous complaints to the tribunal.

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