The Centre for Health Protection has confirmed the first cholera case of the year, involving a 29-year-old man who lived on the Mainland and worked in Hong Kong during the incubation period. He is in stable condition in Princess Margaret Hospital.
His symptoms developed on August 28, and tests found the Vibrio cholerae. The strain was identified as Ogawa.
His family members did not have symptoms. Investigations are underway.
Preventive measures
To prevent cholera and other food-borne diseases, people are advised to take the following measures:
* Clean and cook seafood thoroughly before eating, particularly items like shrimp, crab, oysters and clams;
* Wash your hands before eating and after going to the toilet;
* Handle raw and cooked food with separate utensils to prevent cross contamination;
* Keep raw and cooked food separately;
* Store food in the refrigerator (at four degrees Celsius or below) and adequately reheat leftover food before consumption; and,
* Keep the environment clean.
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