The Department of Health will hold a series of roving exhibitions from July 22 until October to promote men's health and the importance of cervical screening for women. The exhibit includes a video show, games, booklets and pamphlets.
The department said the general health status of men in Hong Kong was not as satisfactory as that of women. Figures in 2004 showed the life expectancy at birth for men was about six years shorter than that for women.
The major causes of death in men are closely related to an unhealthy lifestyle. The Men's Health Programme aims to enhance men's awareness of their lifestyle and to improve their health.
The exhibitions will also highlight the importance of cervical cancer screening, as it can be prevented or treated if detected early.
The exhibitions are free and open to the public.
Members of the public can visit the Men's Health Programme's website and the Cervical Screening Programme's website to obtain more information.
Exhibition venues and date can be found here.
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