It is necessary to maintain the current supply of Mainland chickens at around 20,000 a day, Deputy Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Eddy Chan says. Live poultry traders are urged not to take any drastic actions.
The remark was made in response to reports that traders may not to purchase live poultry tomorrow to protest against the Government's policy of maintaining the number of live chicken imports at 20,000 a day.
Mr Chan said with the recent case of human infection in Hubei, there is a continuing need for the Government to adopt a prudent and cautious approach.
"Regarding the possible accumulation of live poultry in the wholesale market, the Agriculture, Fisheries & Conservation Department will step up inspections at the wholesale market to ensure public hygiene standards are properly maintained," he said.
"We will maintain dialogue with retail live poultry traders and appeal for their support and understanding in respect of the preventive measures that we have taken."
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