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Traditional ChineseSimplified ChineseText onlyPDARSS
January 10, 2006


Ovitrap index falls to 0.2%
Food & Environmental Hygiene Department

The monthly average ovitrap index fell from 1.3% in November to 0.2% in December, the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department says, urging people to continue the battle against mosquito breeding.


Announcing the figures today, the department's consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin said only three of 38 areas surveyed have recorded positive ovitrap indices ranging from 1.9% to 4%.


The highest index was recorded at Kwai Chung (4%). All the indices were well below the action level of 20%. The index for port areas also dropped from 0.4% to 0.1%.


"Although local Aedes mosquitoes are rather inactive at the moment, our preventive measures should not be relaxed as the risk of Dengue fever still exists. Dengue cases are still being reported in neighbouring countries," Dr Ho said.


Though the current weather is dry and cool, he said people should still take effective measures to eliminate mosquito eggs as they could hatch when the weather turns warm and wet again.


Keeping homes and surroundings clean is the most effective way to prevent mosquito breeding, he said.


Year-end clean-up

Dr Ho called on people to pay particular attention to small containers such as vases, saucers, trays and damp surfaces in their clean-up before the Lunar New Year.


He also strongly advised travellers to Southeast Asia to take precautionary measures when visiting areas infected by mosquito-transmitted diseases during the Lunar New Year holidays


For detailed ovitrap indices and information on anti-mosquito measures, visit the department's website or call 2868 0000.


For information and health advice on Dengue fever, click here or call 2833 0111.

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