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December 14, 2005
Avian flu
Control points temperature check re-activated
Temperature screening

Precautionary measure: The Department of Health says temperature screening of incoming travellers reduces the chance of spreading bird flu into Hong Kong.


Temperature screening for arriving passengers will be re-activated tomorrow at the immigration control points in Man Kam To, Hung Hom Through Train Station and the Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal.


This is the last batch of the eight land, sea and air immigration control points to re-introduce temperature checks. Temperature screening was first re-activated at Lo Wu and Lok Ma Chau on November 18, followed by Sha Tau Kok and China Ferry Terminal on November 25.


The Department of Health said screening incoming travellers' temperature is a precautionary measure to reduce the chance of spread of avian influenza into Hong Kong and to protect passengers's health and that of the community.


Infra-red thermo-imaging machines were ready at all these immigration points. The department's staff will be responsible for screening travellers.


Travellers may be referred to hospital

Travellers found to have high temperature will have a second temperature check.


Those confirmed to have fever will be assessed to see if they have had flu symptoms or possible exposure to the bird flu virus. If necessary, they will be referred to hospitals for further investigations.


A total of 217 travellers with fever have been screened at the border checkpoints since temperature screening was first re-activated on November 18. None required hospitalisation.


Advice for travellers

Travellers are reminded to observe good personal hygiene at all times. When travelling outside Hong Kong, they should avoid touching live birds and poultry.


Those returning from areas with bird flu outbreaks should wear a mask and consult doctors promptly if they have flu symptoms. They should let doctors know their travel history.


Further information on preventive measures is available at the websites of the Travel Health Service and the Centre for Health Protection.

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