New move: Director of Intellectual Property Stephen Selbey (centre) says the programme is a new initiative to boost copyright protection. |
A scout programme to promote awareness of and respect for intellectual property among youngsters will be launched this summer, covering seminars, visits and other activities.
Director of Intellectual Property Stephen Selby said the department has been promoting the concept of copyright protection through formal classroom tuition, such as the Intellectual Protection Tutor Programme or school talks.
"This programme can provide young people with an alternative, informal education about protecting intellectual property in an interesting and interactive way. It is a long-term process which involves continuous training of scouts throughout their formative years," he said.
The programme, co-organised by the Scout Association, Customs & Excise Department, Motion Picture Association and the Intellectual Property society, aims to provide copyright protection training to various levels of scouts from age seven to 65. There are around 100,000 scouts in Hong Kong.
The programme's first target will be scouts aged 11 to 16, and it will be extended to other age groups in the near future. Intellectual Property Rights Scout Badges will be presented to the qualified scout attendees who have completed the programme. Training for scout leaders will be held in this year's third quarter.
Scout Association Chief Commissioner Pau Shiu-hung said the programme will enhance scouts' respect and knowledge in copyright protection, while Invention Association Chairman Cheung King-fung said it will foster youngsters' respect for creativity and give support to budding inventors.
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