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December 29, 2004


Central Police Station to have public open days

The Economic Development & Labour Bureau says it intends to organise open days for the Central Police Station site over the three consecutive weekends before the Lunar New Year.


However, Victoria Prison will be excluded as it is still in operation until end 2005.


In response to media enquiries today, the bureau said the open days will allow the public to learn more about the history of the compound and the current conditions of the site.


The opportunity will also be taken to gauge the community's views on the future usage of the site, it added.


Detailed arrangements being worked out

While detailed arrangements are still being carefully worked out, tentatively the content of the open days will include guided tours for the public, information corners where visitors can view displays on the history of the site and a workshop on issues related to the development of the project.


The Government is consulting interested parties on the issue and had discussions with them during the meeting of a Working Group under the Central & Western District Council today. 


In general, the relevant organisations agreed in principle to the Government's proposal and also agreed to participate in the organsation of the open days, but they hoped that the Government could consider extending the duration of the event.


The bureau said the arrangements for the open days would need to be carefully planned to address concerns about public safety, security and protection of monuments.


While the Police vacated the site two weeks ago, the Immigration Department is still operating in the site.


Its Victoria Immigration Centre is processing offenders handed over by the Police and discharged by the Correctional Services Department through the Victoria Prison daily.


Minimising the impact on daily operations

Therefore, in fixing the dates and hours of the open days, the bureau needs to minimise the impact on the operations of the relevant disciplinary forces.


As the present conditions of some of the historic buildings do meet with current safety standards, the areas to be opened and the routing of guided tours would need to be carefully planned to ensure public safety and proper preservation of the buildings, the bureau added.


Proper crowd control arrangements will also be necessary given the narrow and steep roads surrounding the site, the bureau noted.


The Government is now finalising the arrangements in consultation with the interested parties and a formal announcement of the details, including ticketing, will be made once the arrangements have been confirmed

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