The Social Welfare Department paid out $151.1 million from the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund in the 2003-04 financial year to help traffic accident victims or their dependants. The figure fell 0.1% on the $151.3 million paid the previous year.
According to the fund's 2003-04 annual report, 8,018 applications were received during the period, compared with 8,079 the previous year, down 0.8%.
Traffic casualties fell 10.6% to 18,131. However, the rate of application rose from 39.9% to 44.2%. This indicates that more people are aware of their right to apply for assistance.
The highest award was $148,680, granted to the surviving dependants of a fatal case.
Almost $3 million paid out
The department processed 87 serious accident cases during the year. The accident resulting in the largest number of victims occurred on July 10, 2003, on Tuen Mun Road in Ting Kau where a bus fell from a flyover, killing 21 and injuring 20.
As at March 31, a total of $2.95 million had been paid out under the scheme, designed to provide speedy financial assistance to victims or their dependants on a non-means-tested basis. Applications for assistance, either in person or by post, should be made within six months of the traffic accident which must have been reported to the Police.
Application forms can be obtained from the Accident Investigation Units of Regional Police Headquarters, District Offices and the Social Welfare Department's Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund Section at Room 3020, Wu Chung House, 213 Queen's Road East, Wan Chai. Forms can also be downloaded from the department's website. Enquiries can be made on 2834 7472.
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