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Traditional ChineseSimplified ChineseText onlyPDA
September 14, 2004


Ovitrap index falls in August

The monthly ovitrap index, which reflects the distribution of the mosquito vector for Dengue fever transmission, was 17.7% last month, compared with 21.1% in July.


At the district level, the index recorded in 12 locations exceeded 20%. In July, there were 19 locations with an index exceeding 20% and one exceeding 40%.


It dropped significantly in Diamond Hill to 14.8%, from 42.3%, but remained high in Tung Chung at 38.9%. In port areas, it rose slightly from 5% to 5.4%.


Food & Environmental Hygiene Department Consultant Dr Ho Yuk-yin said the falls are the result of joint efforts made by the community in eliminating mosquitoes. However, he warned the indices could rise again if effective measures are not sustained.


Dr Ho said Dengue fever is endemic in our neighbouring countries, and there have been 4,671 confirmed cases in Singapore, 59,321 in Indonesia and 45,830 in Vietnam this year.


"Although Hong Kong fares well when compared with these countries with 22 cases this year, there is no room for complacency as local Dengue fever tends to strike around this time of the year," Dr Ho said, adding that all 22 cases originated in neighbouring areas, mainly Southeast Asia.


Teamwork essential

Dr Ho said the concerted efforts of Government departments and public participation is essential to resolving mosquito problems and reducing the Dengue threat.


With the active participation of the departments, anti-mosquito efforts are carried out in a more co-ordinated manner with the Home Affairs Department taking a pivotal role, he said.


In the last two months, the Lands Department has eliminated over 120 illegal cultivation sites and cut grass at over 600 vacant Government sites. The Housing Department has formed special cleaning squads to conduct daily anti-mosquito work and arrange special clean-up operations and campaigns.


Dr Ho called for full community support for the third phase of this year's anti-mosquito campaign, which runs until October 23.


People should play their part by eliminating potential mosquito breeding grounds in and around their homes and reporting problems to the department's hotline at 2868 0000.


Information on anti-mosquito measures can be obtained from the department's website.

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* What is Dengue fever? *
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