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August 20, 2004
Avian flu

Mainland ducks, geese may be vaccinated


All ducks and geese reared in an open environment in Guangdong that are destined for Hong Kong will be vaccinated if the move is proved to be effective and safe.


Acting Permanent Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Eddy Chan and Director of Food & Environmental Hygiene Gregory Leung met State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine officials in Beijing on Tuesday.


Both sides discussed issues related to the supply of chilled ducks and geese, including the recent suspension of supply from Guangdong farms.


Mainland authorities are concerned about the safety and quality of poultry supplied to Hong Kong following regional bird flu outbreaks earlier this year.


Recent suspension aims to ensure safety

Hong Kong requires that all chilled Mainland ducks and geese be virus-free. However, these birds can be a natural carrier of the virus without showing clinical symptoms. Guangdong farms rear waterfowl in an open environment which usually incurs a higher risk of infection.


Mainland authorities are now taking a more prudent attitude to ensure waterfowl safety and quality by temporarily suspending the supply. Close surveillance will continue to assess the safety of rearing ducks and geese in an open environment.


Both sides believe that follow-up action should be taken immediately. If the use of vaccination is proved to be effective and safe, all ducks and geese reared in an open environment and targeted for export to Hong Kong will be vaccinated.


On frozen ducks being supplied to Hong Kong, they are reared in a closed environment and their safety is ensured by the stringent inspection and quarantine measures. The supply has remained stable so far.

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