Caring community: Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong meets quadriplegics and listens to their views on community services. |
The integrated homecare services teams service will be extended to people with severe physical disabilities from August to enhance community-based care.
Meeting representatives of four quadriplegic self-help groups today, Secretary for Health, Welfare & Food Dr Yeoh Eng-kiong said the Government's rehabilitation policy is to encourage and help the disabled integrate into the community through community care and support services.
Dr Yeoh agreed to consider how best to reinforce assistance to help them live in the community.
Quadriplegics receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance can apply for the Care & Attention Allowance to cover the actual cost of hiring personal helpers if they need intensive homecare.
The allowance will be granted subject to medical certification and social worker's recommendation. It is payable on a reimbursement basis to meet the actual cost of hiring a carer, up to a monthly maximum of $4,296. At present, the allowance is granted only if the patient has no family carer.
"Taking into consideration that some quadriplegic patients may require long hours of care and attention and the special circumstances of these individuals, the Social Welfare Department will adopt a more flexible approach in granting the allowance," Dr Yeoh said.
For quadriplegics living in the community who are not CSSA recipients, they are eligible for the non-means tested Higher Disability Allowance, and community support is also available in the form of charity funds.
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