The Health, Welfare & Food Bureau invites grant applications from researchers for the Control of Infectious Diseases Research Fund and the Health & Health Services Research Fund. The closing date for applications is September 11.
Since the inception of the two funds, 349 investigator-initiated grant applications have been received. Following careful vetting and evaluation, the bureau endorsed 53 projects with a total grant of $32 million.
The Control of Infectious Diseases Research Fund, with a fund of $450 million, aims to encourage and support research on the prevention, treatment and control of infectious diseases.
Collaborative research welcome
It considers applications for research projects relevant to the control of infectious diseases in the area of aetiology, epidemiology and public health, basic research, and clinical and health services research. Collaborative research with mainland China and overseas institutions is encouraged.
The Health & Health Services Research Fund, with a fund of $10 million, aims to maximise population health, improve the quality of life, and enhance the standard and cost-effectiveness of the health system.
It has three broad themes centred on public health, health services and Chinese medicine. Funding preference will be given to research projects relevant to cancer, the healthcare system, healthy living and mental health.
Applications must go through peer review process
All applications will be subject to a two-tiered peer review process, first by the Referee Panel and second by the Grant Review Board.
They will consider the applications' scientific merit, local relevance, the administering institution's research capacity, applicants' track records, the proposals' "value for money" and research ethics.
Guidance notes and application forms can be obtained from the bureau's Research Fund Secretariat, 18/F, Murray Building, Garden Road, Central or the bureau's website. Enquiries can be made by fax to 3150 8993 or by email to
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