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April 22, 2004
PLA Navy fleet to visit Hong Kong
pla fleet

Port of call: The PLA Navy fleet will be open to Hong Kong public on May 1 and 3.


To celebrate the 55th anniversary of the People's Liberation Army Navy, its fleet will visit Hong Kong in early May. Members of the public will have the opportunity to board its ships on May 1 and 3.


The visiting fleet is composed of eight warships, including two destroyers,  four frigates and two submarines. The opening activity will be held from 9am to 1pm on May 1 and 3 at the Naval Base Barracks on Stonecutters Island.


Six thousand people will be arranged to visit the naval vessels each day. A total of 12,000 tickets will be available for public collection on a first-come-first-served basis from 9am to 11.30am, and from noon to 3pm on April 25.


Tickets will be distributed at the following places:

* Central Barracks;

* Gun Club Hill Barracks; and,

* Shek Kong Barracks.


Members of the public can each get a maximum of five tickets by producing their HKID card.


Meanwhile, the PLA's Military Band which will come with the fleet will perform at Golden Bauhinia Square from 10am to 11am on May 1.


The band will hold another performance from 3.30pm to 4.30pm at Cultural Centre Piazza on May 2.

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