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January 15, 2004


New index to monitor estate cleanliness
Housing Department

A Community Cleanliness Index will be launched at 18 public housing estates in Kwai Tsing, Southern and Sham Shui Po Districts later this month to survey cleanliness.


It will check the cleanliness of pavements and streets, sitting-out areas, canopies, staircases and other public facilities.


The Housing Department believes the initiative will not only monitor the results of action, but also identify areas for improvement.


To stamp out long-standing problems like falling objects and improper dumping of domestic refuse, the department has taken other new measures.


It has, for the first time, deployed a special team of former Police officers to assist estate staff in investigating reckless acts like these.


Deputy Director of Housing Lau Kai-hung said: "Banking on the experience and expertise of the former policemen in information gathering and prosecution procedures, it is hoped that culprits can be nailed down more easily and effectively."


The six-month trial, together with the relocation of 89 closed-circuit televisions to monitor falling objects will have a stronger deterrent effect on offenders.


Presently 13 households have been given seven points each for throwing objects from height under the Marking Scheme introduced last August to deter hygiene-related offences in housing estates.


No further warning will be given

Enforcement will be stepped up against tenants who dispose of domestic refuse improperly or indiscriminately in common areas within domestic blocks. Warnings will be given prior to point allotment under existing arrangements.


"In view of the extent of the problem, we are planning to strengthen enforcement action against offenders in the near future in that no further warnings will be given. Such misdeeds will be subject to a fine of $1,500 and five penalty points upon detection," Mr Lau said.


With the smooth implementation of the Marking Scheme, more than 1,200 households had been fined and given penalty points, mainly for littering and spitting.


A total of 15 households have been given 10 points or more and home visits have been made to the households alerting them that their tenancies would be terminated should they commit further misdeeds and reach 16 points.

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