As part of its continuing efforts to protect public health, the Government has stepped up measures to advise the public about avian flu.
A dedicated website has been created. It contains information about what avian flu is and advice on how to prevent it.
It has a news page which includes statements and announcements from public health authorities, an Information page which has the contents and texts of the public health advisories issued through various channels and related links which allow readers to go direct to a variety of relevant websites in Hong Kong and overseas to seek further information on the subject.
A leaflet has been produced for wide circulation throughout Hong Kong. The bilingual document is titled "What You Should Know about Avian Flu."
The leaflet comprises two main sections. The first explains what avian flu is. The second provides advice on the measures that should be taken by members of the general public to prevent catching the disease. It also contains the telephone number of the Health Education Hotline.
1.3 million leaflets produced to encourage hygiene
Over 1.3 million copies of the leaflet have been produced in the initial print-run. They are being distributed at public housing estates, public enquiry service centres of the Home Affairs Department and recreation and cultural venues of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department.
Copies are also being made available to visitors at Hong Kong International Airport, all land boundary control points and ferry terminals, and through the Hong Kong Tourism Board. In addition, a multi-lingual version in Tagalog, Thai and Indonesian is being produced.
Other advisories distributed by the Government include a circular issued to heads of all schools, health advice on the prevention of influenza for schools, child care centres and other institutions, and information for healthcare professionals through the issue of letters to doctors and regular bulletins.
Announcements remind the public to remain vigilant
Regular announcements are being made on all radio and TV channels in Hong Kong. They advise the public on measures to protect themselves against avian flu.
Special announcements on preventive measures against avian flu are also being broadcast at Hong Kong's land and sea control points and on vessels and trains to and from the Mainland.
Travellers are advised that when visiting territories that report of an outbreak of avian flu, they should avoid going to poultry markets and farms, and avoid touching live birds, poultry or their droppings, as well as washing hands frequently. They are also advised to cook poultry and eggs thoroughly before eating.
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