Inspection of all consignments of chilled poultry imported to Hong Kong from the Mainland will be stepped up, the Food & Environmental Hygiene Department says.
Responding to a report that unhygienic chilled chickens have been imported from unapproved sources across the boundary, the department said it has informed Mainland authorities of the case.
Department officers will ensure the imports meet health and hygiene requirements, and visit retail outlets to ensure they have ordered poultry from approved sources and that it is fit for human consumption.
It has asked the Customs & Excise Department to step up surveillance and operations against the smuggling of poultry.
Importation is subject to stringent controls by both jurisdictions in line with international standards.
Any person importing from an unapproved source without a valid health certificate will face a $50,000 fine and six months jail.
Shops and market stalls selling poultry from an unapproved source will have their licences or tenancies cancelled or terminated.
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