Quality assurance: Secretary for Development Carrie Lam worked with secondary students to test the water quality of Plover Cove Reservoir. |
Secretary for Development Carrie Lam says the Government is implementing a total water management programme to protect water resources and explore new resources to use these resources more effectively.
Officiating at the World Water Monitoring Day ceremony and 40th anniversary of the commissioning of the Plover Cove Reservoir, Mrs Lam said Hong Kong's water supply relies on natural rainfall and Dongjiang water.
She added that with the rapid economic growth in the Pearl River Delta Region, there is increased demand and competition for Dongjiang water within the region. The Government, therefore, should formulate a long-term plan for water resources.
The Director of Water Supplies and International Water Association Regional Committee of Hong Kong Chairman Chan Chi-chiu explained the Government has been implementing education and publicity programmes to arouse awareness of he need for water saving and protection.
About 250 students from 30 secondary schools conducted water-quality tests.
Under the guidance of a Water Supplies Department chemist, Carrie Lam worked with the students using handy kits to carry out tests on water samples taken from the Plover Cove Reservoir. They measured the four basic water-quality indicators including temperature, acidity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity.
The official World Water Monitoring day is on October 18 . It is a worldwide educational activity to promote public awareness and participation in water-resource protection. Participants from all over the world test and monitor their local water resources.
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