Structural review: Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue says her bureau will study grade-structure proposals. |
The Chief Executive has directed the Civil Service Bureau to study the findings and recommendations of the grade-structure review reports submitted by three advisory bodies and consult the parties concerned.
The reports were on the directorate grade, on the disciplined services and on selected non-directorate civilian grades facing recruitment and retention difficulties.
Secretary for the Civil Service Denise Yue said the bureau will consult in the coming months departmental management, staff representatives, civil servants, and the Legislative Council Public Service Panel.
"We will then formulate the administration's position and seek a decision from the Chief Executive-in-Council, hopefully within the first half of next year," Ms Yue said.
Noting Hong Kong is confronting unprecedented global economic challenges, Ms Yue said while the bureau adopts an open mind to the reports' recommendations at this stage, it will propose deferring implementing suggestions with additional financial implication until the local economy has steadied.
"The aim of the deferral proposal is to enable the Government to concentrate its resources on tackling the problems and challenges brought about by the global financial crisis together with all the people of Hong Kong and all the business sectors," she said, adding the grade-structure reviews are separate from the annual civil service pay review.
Download the reports here.
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