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October 23, 2004
Constitutional development
Youth urged to join political debate

Secretary for Constitutional Affairs Stephen Lam has urged young people to become involved in Hong Kong's constitutional development by joining in the consultation exercises of the Constitutional Development Task Force.


Attending a summit on constitutional development organised by the Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong today, Mr Lam said that when the consultation for the Third Report issued by the task force ended on October 15, some 470 written submissions were received.


The task force will publish the Fourth Report before the end of the year for another round of consultation. The Fourth Report will bring together the public views received in the last consultation.


Mr Lam said that the present review on constitutional development focused on dealing with the methods for selecting the Chief Executive in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2008.


He would regard these electoral systems as the "constitutional hardware".


He pointed out that the smooth operation of the "constitutional hardware" was dependent on the development of the "political software".


The introduction of the Accountability System in July 2002 is a step forward towards establishing the "political software".


Party politics is another key component of the software.


To provide more room for the political groups/parties to participate in public affairs, the Government introduced the $10 per vote financial subsidy scheme in the Legco election this year.


The appointment of the leaders of three major political groups/parties into the Executive Council is another measure to broaden party participation in politics.


Mr Lam said that the "political software" of Hong Kong was still in an evolutionary process. Time is required for further development and for maturity to be brought to the system.


Mr Lam said that the political institutions in Hong Kong possessed a strong democratic element.


The day-to-day work of the Government is subject to the scrutiny of the media and the public. The transparency and openness of our operation is comparable to that in Western democratic regimes.


In accordance with the Basic Law, the Government is accountable to the Legco.


By constitutional design, the executive and the legislative authorities operate on the principle of checks and balances.


Any government bill or budgetary proposal will require Legco's approval before implementation.


Since reunification, the rule of law remains as strong as ever. And, the judiciary operates independently to administer justice.


Mr Lam said that these constitutional institutions provided the best guarantee that Hong Kong people will continue to enjoy freedom and democracy.


He said that when Hong Kong promoted its constitutional development towards the ultimate aim of universal suffrage, we should also ensure the integrity of these institutions and core values.

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