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FS promotes 'Belt & Road' in Dusseldorf

September 25, 2015

Financial Secretary John Tsang outlined the business opportunities presented by the "Belt & Road" initiative at a business seminar and a luncheon in Dusseldorf today.


Mr Tsang said the initiative will expand transcontinental connectivity and promote economic, political and cultural development in vast areas of Asia, Europe and Africa.


He said it will be the driving force of the global economy in the coming decades.


He highlighted Hong Kong's strengths in financial services such as being a fundraising and financial management hub for the "Belt & Road", the world's largest offshore renminbi business centre and a global centre for asset management and risk management, as well as having a deep pool of world-class professionals.


Germany, the EU's economic powerhouse, has much to gain from the 'Belt & Road' initiative, Mr Tsang said.


Given its location, at the western tip of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe Railway, Germany can serve as the essential connection between the Belt to the east and the rest of Western Europe to the west, he added.
