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Senior HK Government officials speak on topical issues 
June 28, 2007
CE thanks outgoing principal officials
Chief Executive Donald Tsang
Donald Tsang

Chief Executive Donald Tsang has personally thanked the six departing Principal Officials, who will complete their service for the second-term Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on June 30.


Mr Tsang hailed outgoing colleagues - Chief Secretary for Administration Rafael Hui, Secretary for Home Affairs Dr Patrick Ho, Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology Joseph Wong, Secretary for Economic Development & Labour Stephen Ip, Secretary for Education &  Manpower Prof Arthur Li, and Secretary for the Environment, Transport & Works Dr Sarah Liao - for their unyielding sense of responsibility and dedication.


"Their professionalism and passion to serve have helped Hong Kong overcome one challenge after another. I am forever grateful for their meritorious service for the people of Hong Kong. I wish them all the best in their new endeavours, and look forward to seeing them contribute to the community in other capacities," said Mr Tsang.


The following are excerpts from the Chief Executive's valedictory letters for the departing Principal Officials:


To Rafael Hui

"�K During your term of office, you have consistently sparkled as a shrewd and capable leader, and my most reliable aide, steering the Government through the many challenges of the day.


"As Chairman of the Policy Committee and Star Chamber, you have impressed all as a most intelligent, insightful and decisive leader. Discussions at the Policy Committee and Star Chamber are now known for their depth, intellectual rigour and remarkable efficiency.You have no doubt set a high standard for your successors to follow�K


"Looking back, you answered the call to serve the community at probably one of the most difficult times of the HKSAR Government.  Despite the many challenges and constraints, you have served the public with the most exemplary standard. As the head of the Government, I feel particularly privileged and fortunate to have benefited from your wise counsel and service �K"


To Dr Patrick Ho

"The past five years witnessed the successful implementation of various community building initiatives and important developments in district administration�K


"Your commitment and contribution to the promotion of sports development in Hong Kong are also highly impressive and appreciated all round�KYou exerted zealous efforts in strengthening the promotion of national education in the community.


"Under your steer, Hong Kong has gained the honour to stage the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events and host the fifth East Asian Games in 2009. These events will mark key milestones in the sports history in Hong Kong and enhance Hong Kong's status as a hub for major sporting events�K"


To Joseph Wong

"[Y]ou are always keen to help Hong Kong industry operating on the Mainland, notably the Pearl River Delta, in relation to the changing business environment there and from time to time defuse crises facing Hong Kong enterprises. I am in particular grateful for your leadership in securing further liberalisation packages for Supplement III under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong in 2006 and Supplement IV lately.


"Your contributions on the communications and media side of your portfolio as the Secretary for Commerce, Industry & Technology are equally impressive�K


"Last but not least, of course, you have made great strides in laying the groundwork for the merger of the Broadcasting Authority and Telecommunications Authority into a unified regulator to meet the challenges posed by technological changes and business convergence."


To Stephen Ip

"You have also made a significant contribution to the development of the diverse policy areas under your purview. A very important achievement is the substantial growth in the number of visitors to Hong Kong from 16.6 million in 2002 to 25.3 million in 2006.


"You have also guided the Airport Authority and the Civil Aviation Department to improve services and upgrade the facilities at the Hong Kong International Airport �K as well as upgrading our air-traffic-control equipment and optimising the use of airspace in the Pearl River Delta region. These initiatives have helped to ensure that Hong Kong is well poised to continue its role as an international and regional aviation centre.


"At the same time, you have implemented many measures for strengthening labour protection, including raising the maximum penalty for wage offence �KAll these will continue to benefit Hong Kong's working population in the years to come."


To Prof Arthur Li

"Under your able leadership, education reform has been taken forward in earnest, covering a range of issues including curriculum and assessment, language education, professional development, student admission systems, school improvement and expansion of education opportunities. 


"There is evidence that the hard work has started to pay off as students are making improvements in communication skills, independent thinking, motivation and creativity, and are better equipped to keep pace with a fast-changing world�K


"[T]he contributions you have made to the fields of education and manpower in Hong Kong have won you the highest regard from your colleagues, the many individuals and organisations in these sectors, as well as the general public."


To Dr Sarah Liao

"[W]e have made good progress in implementing the various environmental protection initiatives. We have worked out pragmatic and comprehensive plans to monitor and improve air quality in the Pearl River Delta region together with the Guangdong authorities�K


"On the home front, you have overhauled the environmental regulatory framework for power plants and laid a solid foundation for the future environmental regulation of the largest emitter in Hong Kong after 2008�K


"I am particularly pleased with the recent passage of the Rail Merger Bill after the long negotiations with railway corporations, the difficult Bills Committee process and the marathon debate in LegCo�K


"You have strived to uplift the quality of our living environment through a comprehensive greening strategy for Hong Kong �K These initiatives will be key to upgrading our living environment and maintaining Hong Kong as one of the most hospitable cities in the world."


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