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 From Hong Kong's Information Services Department
July 5, 2006
Public to have say on Gov't Hill use 

Application for funds to build the new Government Secretariat at Tamar was supported and approved about a fortnight ago by Legislative Council members. We are now making preparations for invitation of tender for the Tamar Project.


According to schedule, the new Government Secretariat building will be completed in 2010. We are still a few years from relocation of the Government Secretariat. At present, the Government has not yet decided on the future use of the current Government Secretariat site following relocation to the new Government Secretariat building at Tamar.


Hon Fred Li's motion asks for conservation of the existing Government Secretariat building cluster, whereas the amendment by Hon Alan Leong asks for the land use of Government Hill to be changed and rezoned cultural heritage area.


I wish first to talk about the history of the Government Secretariat and the factors for consideration as well as the procedures required in determining land use.


The Government Secretariat, located in Lower Albert Road, was built between 1954 and 1959. It has not been declared statutory monument or historical building up to now.  In the Central Outline Zoning Plan, the Government Secretariat building cluster falls within a GIC - for Government/Institution/Community - zone.


Too early to decide on Government Hill's future

As of now, the Government has not taken a view on the conservation or otherwise of the

building cluster and the use of the lot where it stands following the relocation of the Government Secretariat. It is too early to decide now.


As with land-use planning for any site, we need to carry out timely planning studies in accordance with the spirit and requirements of the Town Planning Ordinance. In undertaking planning studies and determining land use, we will not only adhere fully to the principle of sustainable development, but also take into account established land policy.


We will seek to safeguard and strive for the greatest public interest and consider what use is most appropriate and suits best the needs of Hong Kong as a whole. The compatibility of urban design with the landscape, the traffic and transport aspects and environmental quality as well as whether the capacity of the infrastructures can meet development needs are all important considerations.


The abovementioned planning concepts and principles apply also to the change of use of a site. We will certainly be careful planning and determining the future land use of the Government Secretariat. We will comprehensively consider and assess whether the proposed use meets public aspirations and interests.


Comprehensive assessment needed before change of use proposed

Should we propose a change of use for the site, it will have to be preceded by a comprehensive assessment of the demand for land in Central, the impact of land development on traffic, environment and infrastructure, including the historical interests of the surroundings, the view of the ridgeline and the Urban Design Guidelines requirements.


Any amendment will have to undergo the statutory planning process laid down in the Town Planning Ordinance, including making public and displaying the proposed amendments as well as carrying out public consultation. Thereafter, the public views and representations will be presented to the Town Planning Board for consideration. Finally, the Chief Executive in Council will make a decision.


In the motion, both Hon Fred Li and Hon Alan Leong refer to conservation of heritage and trees. In fact, we already have a clear policy. On conservation of heritage, we support and advocate conservation of heritage in Hong Kong.


A cardinal principle of the policy lies in conservation of heritage instead of their takeover by the Government; conservation or otherwise should be determined by the buildings' heritage interest instead of the duration of their existence alone; and a proper balance has to be struck between heritage conservation and its economic cost, with full account taken of private property rights.


Site may be declared a monument

Under the Antiquities & Monuments Ordinance, the Secretary for Home Affairs, as the Authority, may, after consultation with the Antiquities Advisory Board and with the approval of the Chief Executive, by notice in the Gazette, declare for conservation any place, building, site or structure, which the authority considers to be of public interest by reason of its historical, archaeological or palaeontological significance, to be a monument, historical building or archaeological or palaeontological site or structure.


Before declaring a place of heritage interest to be a statutory monument, the Government will fully consider its historical, archaeological or palaeontological significance and whether the declaration is in the public interest. A decision will be made after balancing various considerations.


The Government will decide in accordance with the current policy on conservation of heritage building and the Antiquities & Monuments Ordinance whether to declare the Government Secretariat building cluster to be a statutory monument.


The two Members' suggestions can be explored further. On whether the Government Secretariat building cluster should be classified as heritage for preservation and conservation, we have to wait for the study and assessment by the Leisure & Cultural Services Department of its historical and architectural features to confirm its historical and heritage interest.


Public must be fully consulted

A decision to conserve in the absence of study and assessment would not be right - first, it is not in line with the requirements of the law and second, the public has no opportunity to comment. A better way is, as I said, to proceed step by step, with study and assessment carried out and the public fully consulted before taking a decision.


On conservation of trees, the Government is committed to protecting trees in Hong Kong, particularly the valuable and rare old trees.


Among the trees currently growing on the Government Secretariat site and in the vicinity, 13 of them have been registered in the Register of Old & Valuable Trees. The Government will ensure these old and valuable trees receive the best protection. These 13 trees include the Pterocarpus indicus which is familiar to all of us.


Earlier, we openly undertook to fully adhere to our old tree-preservation policy. In particular, we will do our utmost to protect and conserve all the trees including the Pterocarpus indicus growing in the open area of the existing Central Government Offices.


Moreover, large amounts of trees and plants can be found near the Government Secretariat. Extensively distributed in Hong Kong Park and the Hong Kong Zoological & Botanical Gardens, they provide the public with a lush green open space in the urban area.


Central to have many green, open spaces

In addition, green open space will be created along the new Central Waterfront in the future. Hence, members need not be worried about insufficient green zones in Central.


Regarding Hon Fred Li's suggestion to convert some of the offices in the existing Government Secretariat into a Government museum, under the Government's current cultural policy, various aspects have to be taken into account in setting up a museum. 


Such considerations include whether collections of historical and cultural values are available, whether the location is suitable for setting up a museum, and the resources required for the establishment and operation of the museum.


As the Government is revisiting the requirements and the planning of provision of new museums in the West Kowloon Cultural District, and two new museums - namely the Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum and Fireboat Alexander Grantham Museum - are planned for opening in 2007, there is no plan at the moment to convert the area left vacant by the relocation of the Government Secretariat into a "Government museum".


I would like to reiterate that we have not taken a view on the future use of the existing Government Secretariat site after relocation. Several years lie ahead before the Government Secretariat is relocated. We have plenty of time to allow us to study the matter in detail. 


We undertake to consider public views and our social and economic needs prudently in determining the suitable use of the site. In the course of decision-making, we will conduct a comprehensive assessment of the future use of the site and, through the statutory planning process, fully consult the general public.


Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands Michael Suen gave this address in the Legislative Council in response to a motion moved by lawmaker Fred Li on "Fully Conserving the Government Hill".

Secretary for Housing, Planning & Lands Michael Suen